Five Things I do weird (Tagged by anniepoo)
1. I don’t like chewing gum.
2. I am addicted to chapstick. See Chapstick post
3. I always pray silently.
4. I usually take an antacid before I drink so that I don’t turn red and that my stomach can handle it.
5. I have curly hair, not because its natural or that its a perm, but because I have a habit of constantly combing my fingers through it.
I tag jjanggooboi, heebeegeebees, violeteyez1004, ginxtonic, asimoh (I’m working on your thing next!)
i do 3 too…
really? werewolves in the fall? I dont know what it is. for some reason, this fall, i am just out of it.
what is that supposed to mean??? HUH????haha
mmm…. shiieeet… ok… then…
Thanks ~
Whats with the taggin?
your not so weird after all….hehehe jk!hiiiiii. im addicted to chapstick too…actually lipgloss!
borringgg! u aren’t weird! i can name 5 other people who do the same for each of those 5 things.. including me! except # 4.. i’m half white & don’t turn red! ha! and # 5… i do run my fingers through my hair, but to my dismay it won’t curl. how do u do that?? =P
ryc: rob, u perv!
Antacids prevent people from turning red? I’ve never heard that before. All I know is that if you take a B12 vitamin after drinking, you won’t get a hangover.
Y? Y? trust me i am straight…
well ok.. maybe not
haha.. no i am straight. i was just trying to say that i am straight for takin that survey