First it was Sung Hee Lee. Then it was Lee Hyori. Now its all about Han Chae Young. The new desktop girl of my dreams. Isn’t she great?
Actually I just put this picture up to spice up the website. I know its boring having no pictures, but I’ll put some up soon. I jsut got a new digital camera phone, but the thing is, I have no idea on how to use it yet. All the directions are in Korean, so I’m slowly reading and understanding it with the use of my handy dictionary.
we finally met, again~~ ^^
wow.. i can’t wait until rob becomes fluent in korean
and meets a purty korean fob girl
but i don’t think that girl is pretty…….well she’s cute….—–s(he falls in under the cute catagory unlike hyori and sungheelee)
but she’s not as hot as hyori——
or peachy ^__^ don’t you agree?
ope very hot robert VERY hot lol jpjp havin fun in korea? lol well make sure you bring me bak boxers from there haha o man i like the boxers wierd taking about boers ok by lol
found jew
hey she kinda looks like kelly hu in that pic, doesn’t she?