today is hyun choong il. that means memorial day in korean. i asked my uncle whether we do anything special on this day where we honour our dead soldiers. he said nothing really. i thought, well then it must be just like it is in the states….just another holiday and no work. then at exactly 10am, a loud siren started blaring, not only just in our neighbourhood, but across the entire nation. i was thinking, what the hell is that? is the north attacking? do we need to hide in some bunker? right then and their everyone i saw stood up and bowed their heads in one direction. for about a minute, there was a moment of silence to honour those fallen during the korean war. it was the most amazing site i’d ever seen. i couldn’t help but peek up and look at everyone else. everyone on the streets were all facing the same direction bowing their heads. people driving had made the effort to pull over and do the same. now that is something you don’t see in america.
damn, i got the chills just reading about it. its crazy that we’ve all been to korea and back but you get to experience it differently… “day in the life of” kind of way… luck you!
i didn’t know you had xanga… wut da…
you must be patriotic to your mother country………
i say koreans have more patrioism……… cuz they’re all koreans there…
Sadly, not everyone did that in Jeju when the siren blared. People there were more concerned with vacationing.
hm i wonder what woke me up at 10…