my grandfather is so funny. i told him i belonged to a health club and that i had been working out everyday. he pretty much yelled at me in korean saying, “What the hell do you need a healthclub for when you live right behind a mountain?!?
Everything you need in a workout is all up there!” i love his old school mentality. no, i really do admire it. one day i hope to be just like him.
the old people here are so strong and healthy for their age. a halmoni passed me up on the mountain today while i was huffing and puffing and taking a break. not to mention, they live longer than the those in america. at least the one’s in my family do. that’s one of the many reasons why i’m out here. i look at my grandfather and my eldest uncle, who are both over 75. both are as strong as an ox and could probably beat the shit out of me if they really wanted to. i’m here to learn from the best on how to live a long and healthy life.
lol that’s what i always say! i live right next to 3 parks………why do i need a gym membership?
HAHA..I use to go on sampo with my grandfather all the time.
It might help with your quitting. You get to breathe in the thick Korean air, a near replacement in the amount of toxins. :)
my grandpa in korea smokes like a chimney and he’s still going strong at 78!
i need to work out too.
mountain climbin in the summer time? bug bites?!! hmmm~ maybe it’s a reason y u should exercise on that mountain… u’d have to run all the way up and down so u wont get bit… then u’ll def loose some weight! haha~
quit smoking, then old ppl would stop beating u up =P
i did quit smoking! i stopped on june 1st!
ahn young
youre in korea!??? wat da… should have called…. 011.9912.4101come out to JSEM!
wats your number?
You need to stop drinking and smoking!
don’t worry you’ll get your money the next time i see you…goodness…hahaha
awww…look at all this….you make me proud *sniff sniff*
just for you… i will bring in a dope film crew and hire a dope post production guy and make you a dvd!
Kollaboration REPRESENTIN’ the gyopos!
im still thinking about that one…hmmmm
If you haven’t heard it yet, I’m sure you’ll hear it from a lot of gyopos/KAs. Medical costs are nearly nothing here in Korea, especially if you can get yourself covered under the national health insurance system. MRIs are cheaper, surgeries, meds, just about everything is cheaper here including dentist visits.
i’ll be out there tentatively from july 28 – aug 21. will you still be smoke free by then? we’ll see