
I lost my last Chap-Stick from America today and I was about to go crazy.  It took me an hour to find another one because I found out they only sell them at the pharmacies. Not even good old 7-11 had them.  Have you ever wondered about Chap-Stick?  I mean really just thought it through.  I started using chap-stick […]

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  Oh front desk secretary¡¦.How I love thee!  I worship the very seat you sit in.  The very computer you play solitaire in.  The very smile you give me (and probably every other person) every morning as soon as I get out of the elevator in.   In Korea, it¡¯s all about the front desk

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i used to like the idea that i’m working for a government institution, but i’m not so sure anymore.  i’ve been working for the korea institute of science and technology information for a week now and they asked me today to submit an application.  i checked it out.  it looked like a standard application for all employees who want to work

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  i don’t think i can describe to you guys how hot it is here.  i’ve never felt this kind of heat.  this is africa hot!  i’ve never been to africa but i’m willing to bet this is something like it.  from the moment i wake up, i’m in sweat.  as soon as i wash up,

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For as long as I can remember, my grandmother has always been tough on me.  She’s always yelling at me or hitting me over the head with something. (It’s usually with whatever is right within her reach, but now I think she just walks around the house with a shoehorn).  The reasons are: why are you always

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