
Correct me if I am wrong, but in Korea there seems to be a difference between the “yuhja” (or Korean woman) and your average woman.  I don’t completely get it myself but I’m trying.  “There’s nothing better than a good ‘yuhja’”, says 44 yo office manager, Mr. Kim.  “Nowhere else in the world will you find yuhja, but you can […]

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The more I learn about the culture here, the more I realize how much more there is to learn about Korea.  It’s like opening a new can of worms every time you open a new can of worms.  And I’m not talking about how to pour a drink for an elder or even stuff your mama told

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  I made sure to bring towels with me from America.  These are just your ordinary towels you use to dry yourself when you get out of the shower.  This is not so ordinary here in Korea.  Here they give you these tiny hand towels where you are supposed to completely dry your whole hair

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I lost my last Chap-Stick from America today and I was about to go crazy.  It took me an hour to find another one because I found out they only sell them at the pharmacies. Not even good old 7-11 had them.  Have you ever wondered about Chap-Stick?  I mean really just thought it through.  I started using chap-stick

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  Oh front desk secretary¡¦.How I love thee!  I worship the very seat you sit in.  The very computer you play solitaire in.  The very smile you give me (and probably every other person) every morning as soon as I get out of the elevator in.   In Korea, it¡¯s all about the front desk

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