
my grandfather is so funny.  i told him i belonged to a health club and that i had been working out everyday.  he pretty much yelled at me in korean saying, “What the hell do you need a healthclub for when you live right behind a mountain?!?  Everything you need in a workout is all […]

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Whoever coined the phrase, It’s all downhill from here, must be nuts!  In fact, I’m willing to bet that very same guy never even climbed up a hill.  I found out the hard way today that its tougher to go downhill than up.  Sure its hard work climbing up there.  Grind it out, take a few

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today is hyun choong il.  that means memorial day in korean.  i asked my uncle whether we do anything special on this day where we honour our dead soldiers.  he said nothing really.  i thought, well then it must be just like it is in the states….just another holiday and no work.  then at exactly

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i have to get used to this weather in korea.  its embarrassing.  i sweat way more than the average korean male here.  i walk outside and i start sweating.  i climb the mountain every morning and it just pours.  by the time i get to the top, my t-shirt is just drenched.  what’s even more

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I’m starting this site because I saw to it as being somewhat therapeutic to my withdrawal symptoms from cigarettes.  Its day four and I’m in pain.  It’s also day four since I moved out to Korea, but that’s not as depressing.  In fact, it’s been a blessing, but I’ll get into that later. Just as

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